Apr 22·edited Apr 22Liked by Pallavi Aiyar

Spanking is simply terrible and utterly unwanted.

If parents spank a child at home, the parents would get sent to prison in Norway, something many Asian families discover to their utter surprise.

"What I can't spank my own child?" was the astonished statement I would head from Asian parents in Oslo, Norway. I worked in Welfare Services in Oslo which also handled Child Protection and found myself repeating this again and again to Indian, Pakistani and Sri Lankan parents: "You can't spank your child. Or any child for that matter". One quipped that Norwegian law is "topsy turvy". "Ulta kanoon hai inka" as he put it in Urdu. The Biblican "spare the rod spoil the child" adage clearly has many adherents in all religions and regions.

But much worse is the ingrained philosophy of corporal punishment that one sees in schools in India. Much as I find the behaviour of Mr B in your school despicable, he still has a long way to go to before he gets into the same league as Ms Tripta Tyagi a teacher at Neha Public School in Muzzafarnagar, in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh in India. Ms Tyagi made the news for all the wrong reasons in August 2023.

Mohammad Altamash, a 7 year old grade 2 student in Ms Tyagi's class got his multiplication tables wrong. An enraged Ms Tyagi spews out anti-Muslim slurs and encourages the Hindus from the same class - 7 to 8 year old kids - to slap little Mohammad. A male voice in the video can be heard appreciating this monster. At one stage, Ms Tyagi even reprimands the Hindu children for not hitting Mohammad harder.

The news made headlines. But Ms Tyagi was unrepentant and justified her actions. And who knows, she might even use her fame to get elected as a Member of Parliament on the basis of her saffron credentials.

Apparently, in today's India, even little children are taught how to hate and learn the rudiments of violence from their teachers. From multiplication tables to multiplication of hate.

If you wish to see the video, where a terrified, sobbing 7 year old Mohammad gets a foretaste of what life would be like as a Muslim in India, the link is here: https://tinyurl.com/25r8ytpe

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Apr 14Liked by Pallavi Aiyar

Read: Sathna Sanghera: EMPIREWORLD, dear Pallavi,

boys were at the receiving end of British imperialism.

Girls must have gotten it in a different way - no one is exempted from the abuse of power: not family, army, school, or religion.

Have an imperial day


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Apr 13Liked by Pallavi Aiyar

My husband was a student in your school long before the days of the beastly Mr. B.

The principal of that time sounded like a gem. I loved one of my schools, mostly hated the other one, but survived. Your son's school sounds absolutely lovely!

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